Mac Auto Login and Auto Lock

You may require a macOS installation to automatically login on boot (E.g. a server machine with launch services). However, for a little extra security you may want the system to login and immediately lock. Although this is not completely secure - if someone has access to your physical machine you’ve already lost. This just prevents someone walking past the machine and noticing it’s unlocked. ...

February 28, 2021 · 1 min · 118 words

Mac Dark Dock Light Windows

I like the look of the dark Mac dock and menubar but prefer light mode Windows. Thankfully this is possible to setup! defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No The above forces windows and Notification Center top use light mode when in dark mode. Now simply change to dark mode and log out and back in! To return to defaults: defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No defaults write com....

September 15, 2020 · 1 min · 77 words

Speed Up Mac Dock

I always have the dock on my Mac setup to autohide. But the default setup is far too slow! ...

September 15, 2020 · 1 min · 47 words

Dual Boot Windows 10 and macOS to External Drive on Macbook

Firstly go through steps: Install Windows 10 to External Drive on Macbook The following steps will allow you to have one or more macOS installation in a single APFS volume on the external drive. Install macOS Boot into Windows and resize Windows partition to make space for macOS installations. Create new partition in Windows for macOS installations. Boot into macOS and open Disk Utility. Format newly created partition to APFS. Download macOS installation from the macOS App Store....

September 15, 2020 · 1 min · 127 words

Install Windows 10 to External Drive on Macbook

Having an installation of Windows availiable is often really useful! However, I don’t quite have enough space to dedicate an internal partition on my 2018 MacBook Pro. Instead, I wished to install Windows to an external drive to give me the benefits of having a Windows install without losing storage space for my primary macOS installation. Disable Secure Boot and Enable Boot to External Drives Steps widely documented. Create Windows 10 Installation USB Using a Windows machine create a Windows 10 installation USB using the Windows 10 installation media creation tool...