Downloading 3DS System Modules and Extracting Their Contents

This post is part of the series Reverse Engineering Pokemon Mystery Gifts.

As part of my journey to reverse engineer Pokemon Mystery Gifts, I needed to be able to patch a 3DS System Module. This post will cover how I downloaded official binaries from Nintendo and extracted them for patching.


To download a CIA you can use my download-cia tool that can download a given title id and version from Nintendo’s servers. Full instructions are in the project README.

But as an example. Running:

./ 0004013000002F02 9217

Will download the 3DS SSL Module CIA and place it in the output folder.


You may need to decrypt the CIA. You can do this with a physical 3DS and Godmode9.


To extract the contents of this decrypted cia - we can use Project_CTR. Simply clone and compile using make.

The tool we care about will be built and placed at ./ctrtool/bin/ctrtool. This tool will be used to extract the sections of the cia that we need.

Extract NCCH (content) from CIA

ctrtool --contents=contents <cia file name>

This will produce one or more files in the current directory beginning with contents. The following actions can be done on any of them

Extract NCCH

ctrtool --exheader exheader.bin --logo logo.bin --plainrgn plainrgn.bin --exefs exefs.bin --romfs romfs.bin <contents.file_name>

This will produce a exefs.bin in the current directory.

Extract code.bin from exefs.bin

ctrtool -x --exefsdir=exefs -t exefs --decompresscode exefs.bin

This will extract code.bin to exefs/code.bin